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How to Grow Onion


How to Grow onions. Onions are a popular vegetable with the home gardener because they have a wide variety of uses are easy to grow and require very little space. Additionally, they have a short growing season which means you can start harvesting in the spring and then dry and store them for use in the winter. Preparing for planting.

2-the choise of variety 

Choose a type of onion to grow. As with most fruits and vegetables, there are many variations of the onion that are appealing for different reasons. Onions come in three general colors white yellow and red purple each with their own distinct taste. Additionally, onions are categorized into two growing types long day and short day. Long day. Onions are named such because they begin sprouting when the days between 14 to 16 hours in length late spring summer while short day onions begin sprouting when days are between 10 to 12 hours in length winter, early spring and long day onions grow the best in northern states. While short day onions grow the best in southern states one yellow onions are golden in color and have a slightly sweet flavor. white onions are sharpened a bit heavier than their yellow counterparts and red onions are violet in color and are often eaten fresh rather than cooked an

3- Planting method

decide how you will plant the onions. In general there are two popular ways of growing onions using either onion sets bulbs or using onion seeds and gardeners tend to prefer planting onion sets as they are a bit harder and stand up to poor weather better than onion seeds. However, if you're able and willing to grow your onions from seeds indoors and transplant them outdoors, you can certainly raise them all on your own from seeds. You can choose to grow onions from transplants cuttings, but this isn't always successful and as much more difficult to accomplish than just using sets or seeds. Visit a local nursery to get recommendations on sets and seeds that grow well in your area and

4-know when to grow

know when to grow. Onions can be tricky to grow if they're not planted at the right time. If planted in cold weather, they can die off or waste energy and blossoms rather than bulbs in the spring. If you're planting seeds, start them indoors at least six weeks prior to planting outdoors. Make sure that you saw the onion six weeks before your average last frost date and set them out after that date and

5-ideal location to plantation

select the ideal location. Onions aren't too terribly picky when it comes to growing conditions but they do have some preferences. Select a place with plenty of room and full sunlight. Onions will grow quite large if they're given enough space. So keep in mind that the more area you give them to grow, the larger they will get. Avoid planting them in a location that is shaded by larger plants or trees. Onions grow well in raised beds. So if you're unable to find adequate garden space, you can build a separate raised bed for your onion crop and


prepare the soil although it takes some forethought if you are able to prepare the soil of your plant for planning several months in advance, you'll receive a better onion crop down the line if you're able to begin tilling the soil and adding the manure in the fall. If your soil is very rocky, Sandy or has lots of clay, mixing some potting soil to help even things out. Additionally, test the pH level of your soil and adding any necessary compounds in order to create a pH that falls between six to 7.5. Testing and altering the pH of your soil is best done at least a month prior to planting so that any additives have time to take effect on the soil and prepare the foundation for the onions to grow.



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