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  apple tree maintenance 

Climatic requirements

 The apple tree is a species of temperate zones, it requires a long period of vegetative rest to satisfy its needs in cold which are of the order of 800 to 1600 hours below 7.2°C. 

The species can withstand temperatures as low as -35°C in the dormant phase, but the most favourable areas for cultivation are those with cold winters and moderately hot and relatively humid summers.

Edaphic requirements 

The apple tree adapts to a wide range of soils. However, well-drained, slightly acidic (pH 6.5 to 6.7), silty-clay, deep and rich in organic matter soils are the most favourable for apple growing.

Water requirements 

The amount of water needed by the apple tree for its growth and production varies from 700 to 900 mm/year. 

The water requirement of the apple tree during the growing season (March to September) would be 600 mm. The highest needs occur in July-August.

Varieties with low cooling requirements

Dorsett gold

Dorsett Apple Gold needs only 250 hours of cooling time to produce apples.

Ein Shemer

The Ein Shemer apple tree has a cooling requirement of only 350 hours.


The Anna apple tree requires only 200 to 300 hours of cooling. The fruit is green, with some pink and red visible.

Granny Smith

Granny Smith is an apple variety that requires 400 hours of cooling, which is still considered to be low cold.

Varieties with a medium cooling requirement 

Golden delicious

600 to 700 hours of cold


The Gala is a red apple resulting from the cross between Kidd's Orange Red and Golden Delicious.

This variety requires 500 hours of cold



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