on the same land.The elements that they take from the soil each year are used for the constitution,to the magnification of different organs thatremain on the plot (framework, roots, leaves) or are exported (fruits,cut wood).
- The reasoning of fertilization must lead to:
a/ Manage tree vigour
b/ Maintain good nutritional availability in the soil
- The approach consists of :
1- Cipher the quantities to be implemented, taking into account :
The characteristics of the orchard:
Density of plantation
Management method (Pruning,...) Vigour of the rootstock Productivity of the variety
And soil fertility
2- Specify the forms, times and method of application of fertilizers
- The citrus fruit fertilization strategy makes intervene :
- The balance sheet method
Foliar diagnosis
The balance between the elements
-Manure calculation method (Balance sheet method)
Contributions = Needs
Needs = Exports (1) + Corrections (2)
1. Exports by the fruit + pruning wood + others
(2) : Corrections according to environmental conditions: Volatilization and leaching risks for nitrogen Retrogradation of phosphorus by limestone and clay Fixation of potash by clay
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